The Advantages of the Innovative Characteristics, Possible Applications, and the Potential Impact

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・While many problems are exist in FSS, which embarrasses medical stuff and come out economic loss, the pathology, assessment and managements isn't yet established.  Therefore the impact of our study would be large for widespread medical field universally.

・Population of functional somatic symptoms or peripheral symptoms, especially involved in psychosocial problems, are increasing more and more.  Traditional medical approaches have limitations for such diseases.  Management of FSS would be widely applied for such syndromes more in the future.

・Psychophysiological Stress Profiling have potential demand in not only FSS but also in various difficult-to-assess disorders such as psychosomatic disease, stress-related disorder, so-called autonomic nervous disorder, social anxiety disorder (excessive mental or physical tension), panic disorder, somatization disorder, etc.

・The relationship or dissociation between objective findings and subjective feelings are a essential theme, which has widely application possibility.

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